A Centaur's Life is a title penned by Kei Murayama, printed by Seven Seas in English with 18 volumes currently out but nearing 20 in Japan. This slice of life series follows a Centaur named Himeno and her two friends Kyoko and Nozomi as they go to school together, check out each others vaginas and deal with things most teenagers deal with, such as life, school, family, friends, relationships, pretty much what most people go through, except more around mythical creatures and animal folks.
Does have a bit of fan service as per the Shonen expectation of the story with shojo ai themes.
Outside of the about aspect of the story which you can read on the back of the volume, let's talk about how this manga made me feel, kind of like a psychologist appointment but minus the shrink.
The art is super cute, the characters super sweet and the story and themes are a bit interesting. I really enjoyed this series and what it has to offer, considering I did stumble across the anime back when my interest in it was a bit more there, unlike now where it's a dead horse. I also like the aspect of the fact that it doesn't revolve around humans which gives a bit of variety compared to some series which is basically different names but similar themes and stories.
So far, I love Himeno the most, she is such a sweet character that I just wish to be friends with cause she seems like that really kind friend that you just want to hang out with and possibly eat sweets while talking about boys or school.
It's definitely as series I loved to get but volume 1 is a bit of a pain to get while the rest are currently pricey thanks to the pandemic. Then again, it is an older Seven Seas title, which is notorious for being difficult to find new and sometimes even so when secondhand.
This story has indirectly influenced my creation of a Centaur character for a future campaign, despite having level restrictions, I still am going to pull it off, it seems like quite a fun character to play as.
So, yes, want this series but it will be a pain in the buttocks to get but it will have to wait till more series get completed since my list is forever growing.
You can procure this series from: Book Depository
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