Friday, September 25, 2020

Beastars - Yay or Nay?


I know, it's shocking, a rather recent title that I actually picked up to check out compared to the others on the list, which some are fairly old while others came out in the last 5 years.

Sitting at ongoing 21 volumes in Japan with 6 out in English from the publisher Viz Media, this series is the opposite of A Centaur's Life in a way that the characters are more Anthropomorphic creatures where we follow their lives in a school slice of life shonen where herbivores and carnivores co-exisit until one decided that it's time to eat one of their prey instead of working together type of deal.

This is probably going to be a short piece since I didn't quite enjoy it as much as others do or would like me to do. Nothing against the series, it's enjoyable but not quite me.

The art throws me off and not my particular cup of tea, the story really makes up for it and I really enjoyed that and the characters, they are full of life and very interesting as they navigate a world where the rules from ours is somewhat thrown out when in regards to the hunter and prey dynamic, even though the whole issue does weigh heavily on the characters, even the rivalry or drama between species within their own groups play a role in making the story very rich.
Then again I believe the main character, whom is a wolf, would probably end up hooking up with the rabbit but that's just me guessing and totally forgetting the names of the characters. Legoshi is the wolf, right? I am, I like to play at not knowing but I did genuinely forget the Rabbit girls name. 

Honestly, I'd only consider getting this for the story but it's not something I'd rush out to get unless I do so under a deal or bundle option. It's worth checking out if you want something a bit different or want a rich but somewhat dark story.

You can get it here: Book Depository

VERDICT: Nay unless I find a deal

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